Wednesday 1 September 2010

Apple's September 2010 Keynote

All eyes will be on Apple today as the long awaited September Keynote 2010 is here!!! It will be hosted in Cupertino, San Francisco (as expected) around 10am, Singapore time (GMT+8) 12am midnight. But sadly, it can't be viewed on a PC and any Mac running Mac OS X10.5.8 and below.

But to all iPod Touch, iPhone and iPad users, you are in luck as the keynote is made viewable for you. Apple will unveil the next generation iPod Touch, iPod Nano and announcing the highlight: Apple's iTV! Basically, the iPod Touch will be having front and back cameras and supporting facetime.

Probably, it also got the Retina Display. The iPod Nano has rumors to have a 3cm by 3cm screen and a all new rectangle look while the iTV will be a successor to the current Apple TV. Once again, rumors have said that it will not support High Definition :(

It is only 2.5 hours away from the event and I am anticipated to view it on my iPhone!!!
Photo by: Gizmodo