Wednesday 13 March 2013

Keynote for iPad courses

Really excited for the launch of the Keynote for iPad course by Developer Learning Solutions. This course gets you started with the basics of Keynote for iOS and allows you to explore some of the useful tools available in Keynote and apply it in your office presentation. A great tool to have to show stunning slides to your customers or audience! If you're interested, please go to or click on the Developer Learning Solution Link above.

Sunday 10 March 2013

Getting Started with Raspberry Pi

I recently got my Raspberry Pi (Model B) which I am in love with this ultra small computer. It sounds impossible to have a computer that is of the size of a credit card, but it is really amazing to be using it. There are a ton of projects that can be created with the Raspberry Pi, like building a remote-control car with the Raspberry Pi doing the computing and controlling of the car. This fantastic machine also allows programming in a language known as Python which you can do tons of interesting programs with it.